“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” -1 Cor. 16:13-14
If there is a single verse that includes a man’s calling to be grounded in the Lord and also the charge to live with intention, it is this one. Our desire is to see men grow in both their knowledge of God and in the practice of their faith through communion with God and holiness in life.
There is only one God-ordained way to do this, and that is to “stand firm in the faith.” When a man is fully submitted to the Lord and totally committed to the ways of the Lord, they will then be enabled to live joyfully for the Lord. The strength to “act like men” is then found in his faith in God and not in himself. This calling also includes a warning to be on guard. We should not passively go about to and fro, but rather “be watchful” of our steps, our words, and our actions in order to live our lives pleasing to the Lord and in a manner worthy of the gospel.
SonRise Community Church offers many ways for men to connect and grow.
First, with the corporate worship service. The church gathers each Sunday for worship. There is a 9:00am service, and also an 11:00am service. Both services are identical in their content.
Secondly, there are four nights during the week where small groups gather for a more focused time to discuss the sermon from the weekend. These begin at 7:00pm and take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and 6 PM Saturday.
Finally, Men’s Breakfast meets the last Saturday of each month from 7:00am to 8:30am. This time is reserved for the men to gather for instruction, edification, and fellowship.