As a sending and supporting church, we enter into partnership with those whom we send and support in giving and receiving (Phil. 4:15). We seek to care for our missionaries and advance the mission through prayer, communication, spiritual encouragement, generosity, and short-term missions

At SonRise, we have a missions offering that is separate from our general tithes and offerings. We ask our members to prayerfully consider and commit to give regularly, sacrificially, and joyfully for the work of missions through SonRise. You can give online on the SonRise website or drop your gift in the “Missions” offering box on the back wall in the sanctuary

 Bill & Debby Abitz – MissioSERVE Alliance

David & Marion Varney – Foundation Church Belfast, Ireland

Francois Turcotte – SEMBEQ, Quebec

Parker Joas – MissioSERVE Alliance

Ross & Angela Floyd – Panama City, Panama

Victoria Tanner – Togo

AIM-Southeast Asia*